A exhilarating testimony on persevering through motherhood.

Meet Rebekah Cobbin
Mother. Advocate. Writer. Innovator.
Born December 9, 1987 in Detroit, Michigan, Rebekah Cobbin found a passion for words at an early age. Her mother always kept her writing by providing notebooks, pens, and paper so she could continue to express herself creatively.
As a young child, Rebekah found Christ while attending the family church, Ebenezer A.M.E. While there, she would involve herself in church activates and functions such as: Bible study, choir, summer camp, etiquette class and even assisting with the church pageant. All those involvements grew into her working with different leaders from various churches, helping build the body of Christ. Through those interactions, she works diligently in strengthening her relationship with God.
In high school Rebekah studied drama at Detroit School of the Fine and Performing Arts {DSA} where she would later transfer to Redford High School and graduate as Poet Laureate. Upon entering college, she studied Theater, and later changed her area of concentration to Business Administration, birthing a series of projects.
As her journey as an entrepreneur continued, the ambitious innovator enrolled in Specs Howard School of Media Arts in Southfield, Michigan, where she would earn her Diploma in Broadcast Media Arts.
Upon extending her family with her second child, Rebekah was called to ministry helping single parents pursue their dreams by overcoming barriers when caring for their children. As God was building her ministry from the ground up, she created the inspirational blog, ‘Oops, I Dropped the Baby.’ The testimony highlights the journey and experiences of starting motherhood over as a single parent ten years after having her first child. To her, the goal is to inspire and make a difference while letting parents know just because things get rough, doesn’t mean give up. Rebekah hopes to make an impact on those facing trying times by sharing her story and the will to persevere.